Chronic Disease Management



With effect from 1 Jan 2021, eligible patients suffering from complex chronic conditions will have a higher Medisave withdrawal limit (up to $700) to fund their outpatient treatments, up from $500 previously.

Before 1 Jan 2021 $500 for both simple and complex chronic conditions
Before 1 Jan 2021 $500 for simple chronic conditions
$700 for complex chronic conditions

Please refer to the table below for the criteria for each of the withdrawal limits.

Patient Status Description MediSave Withdrawal Limit
Complex Chronic A patient would be considered a complex chronic patient if he/she has:

(a) Received treatment for two or more different CDMP conditions in a visit; or

(b) Received treatment for at least
one CDMP condition with recognised complications.

$700 per year
Simple Chronic or other approved outpatient care for patients with no chronic conditions a) A patient would be considered a simple chronic patient if he/she has received treatment for only one CDMP condition

b) Other approved outpatient care would include vaccination for eligible
patients under the National Adult/Childhood Immunisation Schedule

$500 per year

Please refer to the table below for the criteria for each of the withdrawal limits.

The annual withdrawal limit has been changed from per-account basis to per-patient basis.

Those with insufficient savings in their own MediSave can continue to tap on their family member’s accounts, up to the prevailing withdrawal limit of $500 or $700.

For more information, please refer to the following MOH or CPF website.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can access this programme at public hospital Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs), polyclinics and more than 1,250 GP clinics and private specialist clinics around Singapore. 

Patients with complex chronic conditions will be able to use up to $700 per patient yearly, while other patients will be able to use up to $500 per patient yearly for their treatments. Each MediSave claim is subject to a 15% co-payment in cash.

You can keep track of the amount of MediSave used under this programme in a separate account summary in your CPF statement. This can be viewed by logging in to the CPF website with your SingPass. 

Yes. We are happy to assist you and help check your available balance in your CPF account.

Yes. Patients with chronic conditions under the CDMP can also tap on the government for subsidies of up to $500 per year under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS), if they are CHAS cardholders. Special subsidies of up to $540 per year would be granted if they are Pioneer Generation or Merdeka Generation cardholders.

For more information on CHAS, click here.