What We Do

At Frontier Healthcare Group, we are dedicated to delivering comprehensive medical care to patients of all ages. As a majority of our doctors have completed post-graduate training programs in Family Medicine, we are well-equipped to managing a wide range of medical conditions.

We provide the following services:

  1. Care of acute conditions
  2. Chronic disease management
  3. Children’s health
    1. Developmental assessment
    2. Childhood immunization
    3. Acute paediatric conditions
  4. Mental health and wellness
    1. Management of mental health conditions
    2. Counselling services 
  5. Geriatric Care
    1. End-of-life planning (Advanced medical directive/ Lasting power of attorney)
    2. Frailty
  6. Health screening
    1. General health screening
    2. Pre-marital health screening
  7. Vaccinations
  8. Statutory Medical Examinations 
  9. Minor Surgical Procedures